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The Integrated Life Blog

Becoming the Woman You Were Created To Be

What is Rest? It's Not Just Sleep! deep health sleep

Have you noticed that ever since the health event of 2020 we are hearing more and more about sleep, rest, and restorative...

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Rest, Recovery and Resilience - Seriously, We Can Do This! deep health recovery resilience rest

Over the past few months I have worked hard to complete a new certification in Sleep, Stress Management and Recovery. I am...

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Easter is Here! Celebrating the Octave with a Resurrection Mindset liturgical life meaningful movement prayer

He is Risen and so have we! Let us follow Him into the fullness of life which He desires for each of us! Lent now gives...

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Living Holy Week Integrated in Mind, Body & Soul liturgical life

This week can be filled with all sorts of feelings that can lead us on a path of joyful anticipation or perhaps a path of...

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Cultivate Rest - Lenten Strategies to Help Us on Our Journey lent rest

Usually, when entering the Second Week of Lent I find myself slipping in my Lenten Sacrifices and Practices. Yesterday,...

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Pietra Fitness ~ Sustainable Fitness for an Integrated Healthy Life meaningful movement

As a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, I work with women to identify their Wellness Goal(s) and then equip...

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