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The Integrated Life Blog

Becoming the Woman You Were Created To Be

Self-Care is Not Selfish deep health integrated life nutrition prayer resilience

Dear Sisters, 

Many years ago, in an effort to adjust to a new life as a homeschooling mom of two sons, I adopted a...

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Call to Order: Daily Examen deep health integrated life prayer resilience

Living the integrated life more fully begins with a daily prayer practice that often includes an Examen. The Examen serves...

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LENT 2024 - Presence: Silence & Order deep health integrated life lent liturgical life prayer

How can I learn to live in the Presence of God?

Lent arrives earlier his year - Ash Wednesday is on Valentine's Day! This...

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Dayenu - "It Would Have Been Enough" deep health integrated life prayer resilience


In the ancient Jewish liturgy of the Passover Seder, there is a moment when the family gathered recalls the...

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LENT 2023 - Lean Into Lent deep health integrated life liturgical life prayer

How can I learn to love Jesus More?

Lent arrives this week and I find myself settling into a healthier mindset...

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Easter is Here! Celebrating the Octave with a Resurrection Mindset liturgical life meaningful movement prayer

He is Risen and so have we! Let us follow Him into the fullness of life which He desires for each of us! Lent now gives...

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