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The Integrated Life Blog

Becoming the Woman You Were Created To Be

Intermittent Workouts that Trigger Better Fitness

This post is a continuation from the ICW Living Integrated Journal (first published, July 2024): 

Whether you're...

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Silence & Order - The Daily Rhythm ~ Summer Edition deep health integrated life resilience rest

“Life has a way of confusing us, blessing and bruising us… be joyful even when our hearts lie panting on the...

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Transform your Nutrition! icwmembers integrated life nutrition small group programs

Are you frustrated with all of the conflicting nutrition information out there? Can you trust what you read on the...

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Good Friday: W.A.I.T. - Silence of Speech book study integrated life lent liturgical life

I sat there, with my foot in my mouth... again... as I tried to defend myself in another silly argument with my husband....

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Lent Recipes on Repeat

Last week while chatting with friends after Mass one remarked to my husband, "Craig, have you lost weight?Don't you know...

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Call to Order: Daily Examen deep health integrated life prayer resilience

Living the integrated life more fully begins with a daily prayer practice that often includes an Examen. The Examen serves...

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