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Living Holy Week Integrated in Mind, Body & Soul

liturgical life Apr 11, 2022

This week can be filled with all sorts of feelings that can lead us on a path of joyful anticipation or perhaps a path of disappointment. These feelings, coupled with busy schedules as we prepare for the big celebration of Easter Sunday, can lead us to taking our focus off of Jesus.

Perhaps you are wrapping up your Lenten commitments or maybe reviving them with renewed vigor! Regardless of where you find yourself take heart my friend and know that Jesus longs for you to walk with Him this week... especially this week! Here are some practical things we can do to live Integrated this Holy Week:


+ Use the first three days of Holy Week (Mon-Wed) to tidy your home or even do a deeper clean in some areas. Traditionally, these first three days were used for "Spring Cleaning" as a way to prepare physically for the renewal of Easter.

+ Turn over your closet. This is a good time to switch out your wardrobe for Spring and Summer. If you live in a place where weather is still topsy turvy be sure to keep a few sweaters in the mix.

+ Plan your Easter Menu & shop for it before Holy Thursday.


+ Eat three balanced meals each day leading up to Good Friday's great fast. Fueling your body with lean protein, leafy greens and smart carbs (whole grains, low glycemic fruits , etc.) is a healthful and ordered way to prepare well for our Spiritual Fasting. Be sure to avoid excess sugars.

+ Hydrate well. As the pollen rages, temperatures fluctuate and our schedules get busier our bodies need consistent hydration for proper elimination of waste. Strive for at least 65 oz of clear water daily.

+ Move daily - Now more than ever it is important to experience this spiritual reality with some physical movement. Here are some suggestions: 1) Take a walk with a friend and talk about how Lent has helped you in your spiritual life. 2) Pray the Rosary on a walk. 3) Log in to the Pietra Fitness on-line Studio and take a class in the Lenten Series - you might see a familiar face.

+ Get your rest! Turning off the screens an hour before bed is optimal so you can prepare for a more restful and energizing night's sleep. 8 hours of sleep is really a THING!


+ SILENCE: Rise a little earlier this week and spend some time in silence with Our Lord. He desires relationship with you, we cultivate deep friendship when we spend time with Him. Let Him speak to your heart... and you can just listen.

+ GRATITUDE: Begin a list of all the things you are grateful to God for from this past Lenten journey. Tell Him how you have seen Him working. Being grateful for things like: the bills being paid, the smile from a loved one, or even the opportunity to grow in holiness.

+ DELIGHT: This Holy Week delight in the people around you. Take time to be present in the conversations which present themselves. God has permitted these - honor Him by putting down your phone, looking the other in the eyes and then delight in that person. Delighting in another means we are truly present, engaged, listening, laughing, or even crying with her - experiencing life with her and thanking God for her presence in your life.

Please be assured of my prayers for a HOLY week where you will turn and walk with Jesus as He does this GREAT work of redemption for YOU!

Live well, Live whole, Live INTEGRATED!

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