Fit For the Holidays! Let's Talk About Our Faith, Body Type, and Style!
Sep 25, 2023
The Holidays are upon us!! With that said, I cannot wait to introduce all of you to an amazing Integrated Catholic Woman: Meghan Ashley Sokolowski! I had the pleasure of working with Meghan this past summer with Fidelis.
On October 26 at 8pm Eastern Time Meghan joins ICW LIVE for an office hour where we discuss, body types, honoring God with our wardrobe, and practical advice on how to build our closets for the season... without going broke!
After studying theology at Fransiscan University, Meghan began a career in fashion. Afterwards, she worked in California as a personal stylist and became the Head Stylist of Allume, a fashion-tech personal styling company. Meghan and her husband then moved to France, where she began Meghan Ashley Styling
Meghan joins us for a SPECIAL ICW OFFICE HOUR this month -- I invite ALL COMMUNITY MEMBERS to join us - come and see what it's like to be a "Living Integrated Member" of the ICW Community! This office hour is offered at no cost to all of you! (It will be recorded and Members will have access to it in their library)
Please Join us! Here's a special blog post from Meghan!
How to Wrap Up Your Closet Fit for the Holidays
Happy Fall and what a GLORIOUS month it is! There is so much goodness and warmth happening during this season. There’s also… a succession of holidays about to begin!
Get a hold of this - Thanksgiving is in just two months and, we know… With the start of that we have some exciting feast days, a Solemnity, Christmas, and New Year’s. And with those special days, comes the parties, the get-togethers and fun events.
Once November hits, it is go-go-go styling for these occasions. This time of year can start to feel a bit overwhelming, but the LAST thing we want is to get swept with stress over… What am I going to WEAR?!
There are ways to prepare for this that can be done efficiently, practically, and in a monetarily savvy “fashion.” So before we get swept into the moment, let’s go through it.
On October 26, I’ll be speaking to the lovely women of Integrated Catholic Woman, an awesome online community of Catholic women who are focussed on integrated and intentional wellness rooted in the Catholic faith. I welcome you to join us for this!
Now, let’s dive in and map out how you can get through the holidays with absolutely ZERO stress about your outfits. How awesome would that be?!
So let’s get to it.
- Map out your special events/parties/get-togethers: We need to identify any crossovers and what pieces we can re-use. We also need to know exactly what we are dressing for.
- Find an inspiration photo: I recommend searching Pinterest or a catalogue from your favorite store. This is super important because if we don’t see on paper what we’re going for, it will be difficult to nail down some cohesive looks that you will confidently enjoy.
- Shoes and jackets are your most expensive items, so aim for pieces that match or complement one another: These are investment pieces so let’s add things that aren’t big on the budget (especially with all the spending going on at this time of year).
- Don't underestimate accessories: You can rely on monochromatic or subtle looks and add a fun scarf, brooch, or clutch to jazz up your Look for a different spin. It also allows you to use core pieces of your wardrobe without having to buy anything “special.”
- Know your shape: Especially during the holidays, it’s easy to stress out over the butter and sugar falling on our hips. I promise you, your Look will be its best when you dress for your true size, (rather than hoping for a “different number.”) Let’s not add more pressure on ourselves.
There’s much more to go through and to go so much deeper about and… we will dive in on October 26. I hope to see you there!
Question: What is your #1 holiday styling tip?
(first posted at
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